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This Is An Outrage! by Capital Lights  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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This Is An Outrage! [edit]
by Capital Lights | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: July 08, 2008

The dozen tracks throughout This Is An Outrage range from pure bred alternative pop to assertive modern rock, wrapped around a topical plane that spans the palette of meaningful, whimsical and satirical. The scalding “Kick It Off” is sure to be a fierce concert classic and the aforementioned “Worth As Much As a Counterfeit Dollar” possesses one of the most contagious choruses in recent memory. “Night of Your Life Is When You Die” is an anthem for anyone who embraces the straight-edge scene, suggesting the party hearty mentality isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. The energy escalating “Return” is amongst the disc’s most inspirational, while the historically slanted “Frank Morris” provides a fictional account of the famed Alcatraz prison escape.

Track Listing
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01. Outrage
02. Worth As Much As A Counterfeit Dollar
03. Out Of Control
04. Remember The Day
05. Miracle Man
06. Mile Away
07. Work It Out
08. Let The Little Lady Talk
09. Return
10. Kick It Off
11. The Night Of Your Life Is When You'll Die
12. Frank Morris

Entry last edited by FamilyForce5Freak on 09.01.09

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Brilliant PopRock Effort | Posted May 14, 2010
Capitial Lights may not have been around long, but they definitely left a strong impression during their short stay in the industry. This Is An Outrage was one of 2008's standout Christian rock releases and will definitely be memorable for a long time.

From the opening intro of "Outrage" and the closing notes of "Frank Morris," this album is just one good track after another. The catchy "Out of Control," the aforementioned "Outrage," and "Work-it-Out" are only some of the many standout tracks on this album. "Mile Away" is a brilliant pop effort that gets you singing along in no time, and "Return" is a blatantly spiritual song about the end times that is perfect for radio.

Some tracks may run together a bit but all in all, there is a lot to love about Capital Light's debut, definitely enough to make one lament the fact that they didn't put out at least one more album.

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Nathan (188)

Worth more than a Counterfeit Dollar | Posted July 11, 2008
Ever wonder what Anberlin might sound if they were punk rock? Well wonder no more because now we have a close example. The debut album for the band Capital Lights is here, and it’s an outstanding blend of Relient K, and Anberlin, with some bits that sound like Eleventyseven and Run Kid Run. The result is one of the best punk/power pop/rock, with a hint of emo rock, albums in a while.

The beats are really outstanding, as Capital Lights shows impressive maturity, as they barley let up on the music at all. The techno introduction to “outrage” is outstanding and will remind listeners of Eleventyseven, as the quality of the punk/rock was shockingly good as the song has zero faults. The flow of “miracle man” is just superb, while the tune changes in the song are easy and keep the song interesting. It’s almost like Capital Lights tries a retro rock act on “remember the day” as the pop rock sounds a little dated in places, without sounding subpar; also the pop punk music is a little softer than other tracks. The chorus on “work it out” is reminiscent of Crumbächer as it has a more emotional tune to go along with its excellent bridge. The weakest song is “return” as the song never really catches fire and it stays a solid power punk song.

The punk rock music does begin to sound just a little similar toward the end of the album when it comes to “kick it off” which is an above average song and “The Night of Your Life Is When You'll Die” which has a fast paced beat. One of the highlights over the highlights is soft “mile away” which blends the pop music with the dated tune that turns into a clever beat with an exceptional refrain. Keeping things moving and fresh in a CD, even one with exceptional music, is important, and Capital Lights pulls that off with “let the little lady talk”, with it’s odd chorus and a solid beat, and “Frank Morris”. The final song clocks in at 5:15 of fun punk/emo rock that has a nice easy flow with a tremendous, emotional finish.

In the midst of the clever writing (not quite Relient K good) and the weak pointless songs about relationships (“let the little lady talk”, Miracle man”) is a lack of strong spiritual themes. Songs like “Outrage” and “Worth As Much As A Counterfeit Dollar” could have used a little more clarity about the point of the songs, but the lyrics are not cliché. The least impressive song “return” is the most theological track on This is an Outrage, as it is details events that will happen in the end times (‘On the hour that you left us unknown/We're standing firm! The trumpet sounds!’). Songs like “Frank Morris” hint at more lyrical relevance—but none are confirmed) as it goes through the story of one of the prisoners in the escape from Alcatraz. It’s a shame that the songs only hints at what exactly it’s about as the song writing is good.

While it’s not really fair to call this a debut phenomenon, but the band has experience in the guise of AfterEight. Nevertheless the music is exceptional and if This is an Outrage is put with other similar bands that have put out CD’s this year (Hawk Nelson, Run Kid Run, and Stellar Kart) it would clearly top them in musical value. Capital Lights though could give a little more access and clarity when it comes to their lyrics. The song :outrage puts it this way: ‘Take my goodbyes with love and meaningful lyrics’. We don’t want them to say goodbye but we want more of the ‘meaningful lyrics’.

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This is an Outrage! | Posted July 29, 2008
Anberlin hyped up on Red Bull. That's a simple phrase to describe this debut by Capital Lights. It's power pop that rarely gives you a chance to breathe and think about what is being sung it's so fast. Just flip through the lyric book and it's amazing to see how many lyrics are crammed into 3 minute songs. That's a tribute to the vocalists smooth and rapid delivery of every lyric. His voice is kind of similar to Anberlin's only not as 'whiny' sounding. Rest assured, it's perfect for this style of music.

I'll be honest, before this album dropped I had heard 5 of the songs on their Myspace and loved every one of them. I was hyped for the release and thought it might even top Anberlin's work. Once I got it and anxiously unwrapped the plastic I popped it in and was slightly disappointed by the time it was done. I got exactly what I was expecting in terms of the 12 tracks of rapid fired power pop but it didn't hold up so well as an album full of it.

The songs kind of run into each other since the pace is frantic and rarely lets up (except the ballad 'Mile Away' which is done very well). The choruses are all insanely catchy and have a buildup to a great climax but the formula seems to get old quickly. What's more is with every listen the music is less impressive than the time before. Sure there are great synth beats that make you want to dance and some standout moments, but as a whole it's not deep. You can pretty much grasp everything Capital Lights have to offer on the first couple listens.

There's no doubt it's a solid debut and worth owning but don't expect anything incredibly deep lyrically or musically. Speaking of the lyrics, they rarely have anything to do with God (except 'Return') and pretty much center around relationships. That's all well and good since the music is positive and upbeat but again, not much substance here. It is what it is though and that's a good album of catchy, power pop tunes that stick in your head for days on end.

Gems on this album are: 'Out of Control', 'Mile Away', 'Let the Little Lady Talk'

Overall - 8.8/10

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art10 (114)

The Lights Are Blinding With This One | Posted July 20, 2008
Looking at reviews for this album, I noticed several similarities between them. Not only were they overwhelming positive, but there were comparisons to Anberlin and Relient K, and it was definitely my style of music. So I had to check out this album. And let me say, that folks, the critics are overwhelmingly right on this one. No ifs, ands, or buts, just wows and whoas. This is the next big thing and they certainly have the debut to show for it.

In describing the sound of this band, it would be accurate to say they're a cross of the best elements of Anberlin and Relient K, with a little bit of Metro Station mixed in for extra fun, with hints of Yellowcard. It's pop rock at some of its best. And even though these songs aren't exactly catchy by themselves, you'll remember the general feel of the song, and pick up the chorus after you hear the album a few times.

Picking a favorite track off this album is rather hard to do, because you could basically come to any point in the record and say, "that's an awesome track." But that isn't exactly the best of news for DJ's, which need single material, and none of these songs really stand out as singles that could rock radio out all summer long. So I can see it hard to grow a fan base for this band unless somebody picks up the record, or probably sees them in concert.

This album is all about rock melodies, and they are plenty to be had. The music very pleasing, very rockin', and embodies emotions and feelings. They do sound like something that Yellowcard, The Starting Line or Boys Like Girls would do, but haven't done, which strangely gives this an almost original feel. Maybe it's because these sounds have never sounded this good combined before.

Vocally, all of it is perfect for the songs and the band. It helps give the band their trademark sound. And while I would like a little bit more vocal variety, it all seems to work, just like the rest of the album. But wait, it does change a bit vocally on the electronic/synth extravaganza that is "Mile Away." That song also provides very pleasing lyrics like the rest of the album. And while nothing really seems to stand out one-on-one, it all stands as one and does provide glimpses of really great lyrics, although what is here isn't anything to sneeze at either. Again, it all works.

Overall, while no track exactly stands out, all of them mesh into a cohesive and amazing record. A truly wondrous debut not matched in ages, if ever. It's certainly one of the best albums of the year in any genre, Christian or Mainstream. It all flows, it all rocks, it's fun, it's well-done, well-written and just plain amazing. One thing is for sure, Capital Lights will have a truly wonderful journey ahead of them, and I can't wait to see what they'll throw at us next.

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CLICHÉ-RIDDEN POP-PUNK RELEASE | Posted September 29, 2008
Is this really an outrage? I’m not quite sure what the members of Capital Lights are referring to, musically at least. The latest pop-punk product of Tooth & Nail is, well… exactly what you would expect from a band most famous for Hannah Montana cover tunes.

This Is An Outrage, then, doesn’t really represent a band angry against anything. If so, they wouldn’t be so bent on repeating everything around them. This Is An Imitation would serve as a much more accurate title. That’s not necessarily a horrible thing, as the Tulsa band certainly knows its way around the pop-punk genre’s tight constraints. Harmonies are pitch-perfect; handclaps are in place; pulsing guitars are ready to riff; and there’s even a gimmicky synth thrown in for good measure.

Lead single “Worth As Much As A Counterfeit” is a bit too typical for an audience’s first taste—the track is too easily lost in an iTunes playlist with its rubber stamp guitar work and repetitive lyrics. The band finds its footing in other songs, with stronger lyrics found in “The Night of Your Life is When You Die” or the initial track, “Outrage,” which refuses to let go once the chorus grabs hold.

Unfortunately, the bottom line is set low as many other bands simply do it better. If Tooth & Nail sticks with them, maturity is certainly a possibility as seen with other bands (i.e. Relient K). But for now, Capital Lights fails to make its mark. –Matt Conner

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from CCMMagazine.com. Click here to visit CCMMagazine.com today!

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ARNgal (15)

truly under-rated band | Posted June 01, 2011
this band is phenomenal, and i can't believe they disbanded after only releasing one album!!
but if they had to only do one, this would be pretty much as good as it could get.
honest, frank, quirky lyrics that you have t listen hard to to get their meaning.
plus driving, punky beats, that often seem to send a reverse message of the lyrics they're set to.
all around, a great cd definitely worth the buy!! 

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This is an Outrage | Posted September 01, 2009
surprisingly i thought this was pretty good. I really wasn't expecting much. They're not you average pop-punk band, i don't know what it is, but there is just something different about them. My favorite song is out of control. I also like outrage and return (all the radio hits). To me the rest of the cd is pretty good, but not as good as those three songs.

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Great CD!!! | Posted June 29, 2009
I have NEVER heard of Capital Lights until my boyfriend showed me this CD....I fell in love with it! The music on here is great to listen to, and gives great messages!! Go Capital Lights!!

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eah92 (48)

Good start.. | Posted June 14, 2009
This album is so good. The song Outrage is very good, along with all the other ones. I think this group will go very, very far and can't wait to see more!!

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Wow... | Posted January 06, 2009
I absolutely love this CD. I heard the song Outrage and I went out and bought the Cd soon after. I think every song on the CD is great. It's so upbeat and fun, and I love how the lead singer sings. The only thing is that sometimes the lyrics are hard to catch because he sings them so fast. But other than that this CD is almost perfect. I especially love Outrage, Mile Away, and Let the Little Lady Talk.

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enjoy it for what it is... | Posted October 04, 2008
Although most would say that this is just anoother cd full of over-used chord changes and cliche's,I actually REALLY like it.No,it's not the most unique or inventive cd ever...but Capital Lights shows the potential to be one of the stand out bands in the future.And for right now we can enjoy Outrage for what it is...a well produced,well executed pop/rock record!

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