Disciple bass player Jason Wilkes has announced that he has made the difficult decision to step down from the band.
a personal note on the band’s facebook page, Jason shared that he’s stepping back from the band in order to focus on his family and in response to leading from God. " I know for sure that I have heard from God on this and that alone is the motivating factor behind any move I ever make," Jason explained. "I live my life in God's shadow. Where he goes, I go. When the Holy Spirit takes a hard left turn that seems odd... I turn with Him regardless. This is one of those times."
Jason, who previously fronted High Flight Society and has been hard at work on a solo EP, assured fans that he will continue to be involved with music in some capacity, saying "I will still write music, play music, eat sleep and breathe music... It's what God has put me on the earth to do. I will just be doing it in different forms from now on." You can like his solo page on facebook
Disciple is currently on the City Rockfest tour, of which Jason will play a few final dates before his last show on April 11. Both the band and the Wilkes family need prayers as they undergo the transition.