A New Talent
Posted October 27, 2015
By SarahFine_NRT, Staff Reviewer
You may recognize the name from her coveted guest vocal spot on TobyMac's latest release This Is Not A Test, but teenaged Ohio native and recent Gotee Records signee Hollyn is ready to make a name all her own with the release of her debut self-titled EP.
"Alone" couldn't be a more fitting representation of what you get with Hollyn. You're getting songwriting wise beyond her years and a rich, thick voice that meets the likes of mainstream counterparts such as Ariana Grande and Duffy. Throw in the inclusion of a very grown-up sounding Truett McKeehan on the bridge, and you've got the fixings for a melodic spectacle.
"Took time out to put time in, so I turn to You when I'm worn out" -- so spits the young songstress on "All I Need Is You," with some of the most aggressive female vocals I've heard in quite some time.
"Steady Me" transitions between the pop driven R&B vibe strung throughout the rest of the EP, beginning to tone things down with some smooth acoustic punchiness.
Closing Thoughts:
Going into Hollyn's EP, I admittedly was on the hunt to find anything that would display her youth in areas where her craft still needed to grow. To my surprise, there were few to be found. In fact, Hollyn crafts both lyrics and beats that are stronger than some more experienced artists in her genre. While there is still a good amount of fine tuning to do when it comes to nailing down her specific sound, I suspect we'll be seeing incredible things from Hollyn.
Song To Download Now:
"Alone" feat TRU (Get it on iTunes here.)
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