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Rain, Part 2 (Live) EP by Planetshakers  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Rain, Part 2 (Live) EP [edit]
by Planetshakers | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: April 12, 2019

Internationally recognized praise band Planetshakers releases Rain Part 2 globally April 12 from Venture3Media (V3M). Available to preorder beginning today (April 5), the new five-song digital EP from Planetshakers was recorded at Planetshakers Conferences in the Philippines and Malaysia in January 2019.

This theme is further carried in the Hunt-led "Only Way" single, which released last month, is featured on the new EP and became an encouragement to this multi-talented worship leader through his battle with cancer.

"God had me write that song a week before I knew this was going to happen. It was the perfect tool God helped me to use to declare victory over the situation," says Joth, adding, "It's easy to sing these songs week-to-week, but when you are actually going through it, these lyrics become more...they become an anthem."

"2019 will mark the 22nd year that Planetshakers Conference has been lifting up the name of Jesus to a generation," says Planetshakers Church Sr. Pastors Russell and Sam Evans. "We feel that just as rain is formed naturally by the sun's heat evaporating water, that our prayers, praise and worship have been reaching heaven all this time. Rain forms when there is a cool change and there is a change in the atmosphere. We are believing that at this conference there will be an unprecedented outpouring of the rain of heaven."

Track Listing
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01. Only Way
02. I Choose You
03. Take Your Place
04. Anything Can Happen
05. God Is On The Throne

Entry last edited by BraddenFord_NRT on 05.06.19

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Rain, Part 2 (Live) EP | Posted May 14, 2019

What You Need To Know:
Forming for the first Planetshakers Conference in 1997, Australian Christian Worship band Planetshakers is passionate to see generations worldwide unite together to worship God. Their heart is to see people encounter God, be transformed by His presence, and be empowered to make a difference in their world.

What It Sounds Like:
Once again, Planetshakers showcase a collection of songs that displays their full worship style. They have performed music multiple ways from piano ballads to the beats in the background. The EP delivers many different types of music.

Spiritual Highlights:
There are multiple spiritual highlights on the EP, but the biggest moment was on “I Choose You.” Repeating the phrase, “I Choose You” is inspiring, and brings a feeling of renewal as you reflect that God chooses us to live our best life. It makes you stop in your tracks and want to praise Jesus wherever you are at!

Best Song On The Record:
It’s hard to choose a single best song on this record, but if you had to choose one song out of this beautiful collection of five, it would be the final track 
“God is on the Throne.” With lyrics like, “God you are faithful to move again”, “Jesus I’m grateful,” and “You’re my savior so I won’t fear,” it will help you get through the day. This is also a great song to listen to after you say a little prayer, and is one piano ballad that you’ll want to add to your playlists.

For Fans Of:
Elevation Worship, Passion, Jesus Culture

Final Word:
Rain EP 2 is an incredible successor to Rain EP 1. This EP will make you want to sing out loud to every song. This is 30 minutes of your day that you’ll end up enjoying to the last minute!

Buy Rain Part 2 on Apple Music or stream it on Spotify.


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