"Before you get out of bed, you have to choose what this day is going to be for you," says singer-songwriter Jay Davids. "'Good Bad Day' is all about choosing to praise God every day, no matter what's going on." A Philadelphia-area worship leader and CCM artist, Davids helps us embrace that choice with this infectious pop anthem, following his debut singles Free Indeed and I Say Yes--both uplifting tracks that set the tone for his music and ministry.
"I just want people to feel like this song picks them up," he says. "Something that helps push them through a tough day. There's something about praising God in the middle of challenges that can lighten your step and remind you that He is always good." With a joyful, catchy sound and a powerful biblical reminder that God's joy is always available, Good Bad Day encourages us to let go, trust God, and turn any tough day into a day of praise.
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