Rise Me Up With You is the debut CD from the band Modern Dissent. Their music is a unique blend of Christian rock with a hint of blues, punk, and county thrown in for good measure.
In the winter of 2007 Modern Dissent decided to try and record a few tracks and see what happened. What happend was a 6 month process of recording, editing, re-recording, mixing, more recording, more mixing and editing, etc. What came out of this long process was "Rise Me Up With You", Modern Dissent's first album. It consists of 10 original songs ranging from the crunchy guitar driven "My Pestilant Life" and "Makin’ Me" to the melodic "Strength of Meekness" and "Pulling Me Through". With lyrics written to honor and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Modern Dissent wants others to hear the lyrics and think about Christ and this would draw them into a saving relationship with Him.
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