A Confused Band Makes An OK Album| Posted August 18, 2007
Sometimes you have to wonder if a band has all their marbles in one place. I can envision the members of Bleach taking their bags of marbles into the studio, everytime they go to record a new album, and dumping them all over the floor, and then seeing where they land. Again, we see a different side of the band on their third release on Forefront Records. By combining catch poppy synth rifts with garag-y guitar chords and alterna-ready vocals, the group simply escapes categorization. In fact, it's almost impossible. While Bleach doesn't come off as anything close to a Sunday morning praise band, the group is still very worship-minded. "Breathe Your Breath" and "All To You" are both mainly praise-centered. Musically speaking, Bleach may be a mixed bag, but they're straightforward Christ-centered songwriters, which makes this album well worth the time for listening ears.