The lyrics of Phil Wickham's song, "Face of God," point out some reasons why God coming to earth in the form of Jesus is so significant.
Underneath the starry sky/A mother holds a child tonight/All is calm and all is bright/She sings to Him a lullaby
#1 Jesus reveals God's character
She looks upon the great I Am/The gift of Heaven in her hands
John 1:18: "No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God is near to the Father's heart. He has revealed God to us."
In Jesus, we get to see the character, actions, and emotions of God expressed in a physical person. The Bible calls Jesus the exact representation of the Father. Isn't it so amazing that the nature of our God is that He reveals Himself to us? He wants us to know what He is like. Through His Word, His Son, and His work in our lives, we get to know and experience God. He's not a distant, unknowable being. He is powerful, but He is also present and personal.
#2 Jesus reveals God's salvation
Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria/All of the heavens ringing, Gloria / The Savior of the world is in her arms/She's staring at the face of God
This lyric in particular reminds me of John 1:12-13 that says, "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn--not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God."
Similarly, Matthew 1:21 reveals that Jesus came to save people from their sins. Christmas is a great time to intentionally refocus and remember the simple good news of Jesus--the very message and purpose that makes His coming so profound.
We have sinned against God, breaking our ability to have relationship with Him and warranting our eternal separation from Him. And, because none of us is righteous enough to pay the price for that sin and repair our relationship with God, God does so Himself. God takes on human flesh in the person of Jesus, becoming the offering for our sin so that when we believe in Jesus, we can be forgiven and know God personally.
Jesus is the way to salvation. Because of His mercy and kindness, we find forgiveness of sins and relationship with God through His name.
#3 Jesus reveals God's love
Born to save the sons of earth/He was born to give them second birth
Why would God go to such lengths to reveal His character to us and make a way of salvation for us? John 3:16-17 tells us that God sent Jesus to save the world because He loves the world. God sent Jesus to be the Savior because of His love and care for humanity and His desire for a relationship with us.
The saving work of Jesus is the most profound act of love and reconciliation to ever take place. That's what we get to reflect on in the Christmas season and every day. There is a God who loves you, who wants you, and who saved you from your sins so you could know Him in a relationship forever. And that deep love and mysterious plan of God is revealed in Jesus Christ.
Final Thoughts
As we celebrate Christmas, it's important we remember the why behind the what. Why are we celebrating the birth of Jesus? This Christmas season, remember the love of God for you and for all the world demonstrated in Jesus. Remember our powerful, yet personal, God who makes Himself known to us and desires relationship with the people He created. And let your heart be filled with fresh awe and wonder.
"Face of God" can be found on Phil Wickham's latest album, Christmas. Stream the album on Spotify or purchase on Apple Music. Read the full lyrics of "Face of God" here.
NRT contributor Jasmin Patterson is a lifelong fan of Christian music who is passionate about helping others connect with Christ. She lives in Kansas City where she serves in college ministry and runs a blog to help seekers and believers discover and live biblical Christianity.
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