Point of Grace is a trio of women all set on using their lives to worship God. Shelley Barnes, Denise Jones, and Leigh Cappillino have proven their dedication to our Heavenly Father repeatedly, and their music glorifying this message has become monumental in the Christian music world. We celebrate their success by featuring two songs from their recent album, Turn Your Eyes (Songs We Love, Songs You Know), Vol. II.
"I Believe (feat. Wes King)"
"It's been passed down through ages of time
Written by hands of men, inspired by the Lord
His word will remain 'till the end"
Point of Grace gives songwriter Wes King's classic melody a new sound. I adore the song's lyrics because they speak to the infinite grandeur of the Lord. We may be experiencing awe in His presence right now, but even that is just a moment in the ever-reaching timeline of His creation.
There is something profoundly inspiring about reflecting on the servants of the Lord who came before us. Although they were no more exceptional than we are today, God chose to use them because they offered a willing heart. Their stories of redemption and salvation have been passed down to us because of their openness to allow God to work through them. Let us acknowledge that we are merely a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of time, yet remain forever grateful for God's watchful gaze upon us.No matter how small the universe makes us feel, He never forgets His children, and His truth will remain the same until the end.
"It Is Well"
"When peace, like a river
Attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well
With my soul"
The hymnal style these lyrics embody may seem daunting at first glance. But, even with the language set apart by time, they speak of an important message. No matter what comes our way, the Lord instructs us to continue in our praise.
Regardless of the situation surrounding us, we can choose the position of our hearts. This melody will inspire you to point your soul toward Jesus. He's calling out with a message of forgiveness, and I promise He never fails to provide what He promises. He will guide you to peace and the path to declare, "It is well with my soul."
Selena Schulz is NRT’s youngest staff contributor. She loves God, music, reading, and writing.
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