This is Kevin, stepping in for Ryan this week with some thoughts that have been on my mind since preparing the worship service for my local church a couple days ago. As I was thumbing through songs, fully engaged by the task at hand, a phrase came to me that I could not shake. It was another simple reminder of who God created me to be and reinvented the meaning of worship for me all over again. So what's the phrase? I'll get to it in a minute.Do you know that God covets our praise? He craves it with everything that He is. In fact, it is the reason for our existence. Some may read that and think thoughts of selfishness, jealousy and greed. How could a creator spend all this time designing things that in turn kiss the ground he walks on? But once you reflect on the unconditional love He flows onto His people, and the greatness of who He is, you understand the necessity to lift Him up at every possible opportunity.
Isaiah 43:7 says, "Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him."
If we are walking correctly, it should be a true honor to worship God, who not only died for our sins, but gave us the free choice to follow Him fully. A God who will take us back at any time no matter how far we've walked away. A God who will chase us for life and who is preparing a place for us in Heaven.
But he wants our worship first. The Lord's Prayer is just one example: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." Praising his very name comes first, before anything else is asked for or received, and that brings me to the phrase that has stuck with me for 72 hours.
God will honor my praise, by listening to my heart.
The biggest thing Christians are missing in worship today is true worship. It's become a nice 30 minute mini-concert at church, where you sing familiar choruses with a good beat, get an energy buzz from the dimming lights and emotion driven drum beats, and your week continues with little to no reflection of who God is. Then, when we really need something, we go knocking on God's door without even acknowledging we've been gone for a bit.
But if we really want things to get moving and shaken in our lives, I truly believe 24/7 prayer of asking for this and that won't do a bit of good if we're not first acknowledging who He is and giving Him our full attention.
God will honor your praise, by listening to your heart.
Final Thought: Are you coming to God only when you need things? God already knows what is on your heart before you even ask. A true worshiper who puts God before family, their spouse, their work, monetary possessions, hobbies, church activities, etc. will reap the benefits of a real relationship with Christ Jesus.
Ryan Is currently a student at Northwest University and is working toward his degree in Pastoral ministries.