Have you ever wondered where the exact center of the Bible was? I came across this information a few years back and love what it has to teach us. God's word is so invaluable; there is nothing on this earth that will better equip us for what life will throw at us. Not only is it God's holy word, but it was written for a purpose. This book is not just a pleasant story or some history book that we can go to for information about the ancient near east. It is a personal transcription that has been carried on for the last several thousand years for the benefit of all mankind. It was written by men, who guided by the God of the universe, wrote His words for future generations so that they would see the heart and character of who He is and be drawn into a personal relationship with Him.
If we look to the center of the Bible we find the 118th chapter of the book of Psalms. Interestingly enough this chapter is preceded by the shortest chapter in the Bible and followed by the longest chapter in the Bible. But taking the number of verses in the Bible and counting halfway through them you end at Psalms 118:8 which says; "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." Not a very long verse. In fact, you could probably memorize it in a matter of minutes. (Not a bad idea by the way)
This verse at the center of the Bible could be life changing for you. It is essentially telling us to put our faith and trust in the Lord. He is where our hope lies. He is the one who desires to see us prosper. He is the one who created us for a personal relationship with Him. Placing our trust in man will always be a disappointment. Many of you, as well as I myself, have been disappointed by man. Whether it was a family member, a coworker, a boss, a friend or just a stranger, we have all been let down at some point by man.
God on the other hand offers us eternal life. His word promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Being a Christian is not easy, and anyone who tells you otherwise is gravely mistaken. Nowhere in God's word does he promise that by becoming a Christian you will have a problem free life. ut He promises to be with us and never leave us. He will walk through those valleys of the shadow of death (Psalm 23) giving us strength and encouragement. The heart of God is one that loves us more than we could ever comprehend.
So this week, memorize this verse at the heart, the very center, of the Bible. Take it with you into your world and rely upon the Lord who is infinitely more capable of handling what we are facing than man is. Ask yourselves this; where is my faith and trust placed? Is it in my job, my friends, my family, my financial security, my positions-or am I relying on and putting my trust in God? Am I looking to Him for the answers first? Do I know Him in a way that when he is speaking to my heart I listen and trust what he is telling or asking of me?
Final Thought: This week, let some of these questions sink in and do some soul searching. This verse is at the center of the Bible but ask yourself if it is at the center of your life?
Ryan Is currently a student at Northwest University and is working toward his degree in Pastoral ministries.