"Jesus said that a doctor goes to those that are sick, not to the healthy. Jesus spent his time loving the prostitutes, and the destitute, and the tax collectors that were ostricized by society. Women meant less for men, but not for Jesus. He went through all hight and all lows to seek these that were seeking. A woman had the faith that told her if she only touched Jesus' cloak then she would be healed. Jesus said here faith healed her. She was seeking. The people that are seeking are the ones that will find, 'seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened'. We must then show these seekers the answer. We must give them the umbrella in the rain. The seekers have seen so much brokeness, that they will accept the man who can fix it.
It's time to reach out to the oucasts. Let's show them how to live a life of darkness that leads to the light. Let's show them how ti die, that is to die daily. Let's show them power and let's show them love and acceptance. Our love will show them that there is something more than brokeness and our acceptance will show that they aren't the only outcast and that we too can understand how they feel and why they feel what they do.