Digital Aura is Greg Primmer. He was born, raised and currently resides with his wife and son in Petrolia...a small, sleepy, rural town in Southern Ontario, Canada. As a young boy he took an avid interest in music and began studying classical and contemporary piano. His musical influences vary widely from 80's rock to dance to opera. He is a big fan of U2, Paul van Dyk, Seal, David Meece, Neil Young, PPK, Delirious, The Echoing Green and The Violet Burning to name a few. While deeply rooted in music since his childhood, he is a relative newcomer to electronic music production, having never been exposed to Trance/Dance music until 2003. His first hardware synthesizer, a Korg Trinity, was purchased in 1997 and that opened his eyes to the realm of digital composition. He was fascinated by the potential in MIDI technology. Not until late 2003 did he finally integrate his hardware with software-based audio workstations and really begin to produce full works. As his favourite music is Uplifting Trance and Euro Dance, so too does his own music reflect this. He continues to foray into the vast realms of electronica by creating ambient, progressive, uplifting, dream, and house genre music.
As a Christian he believes that his music should be an extension of his praise to God and so he strives to edify the Lord through biblical based lyrics and in the very music itself. He is also very involved with other peers in the network of Christian Trance producers that, for the most part, remains "underground" and unknown to the mainstream secular Electronic Dance Music scene.
His goal is, simply, to produce pro-quality music that is good enough to be "releasable" by a label, and to gain a larger audience in order to propel the small Christian EDM scene to the forefront. His passion is to bring EDM (electronic dance music) into the realms of his Christian faith and to promote the Word of God through his music. Fully realizing that Trance and Christianity don't typically go hand-in-hand, he continues to delve into the small niche that is ... CHRISTIAN TRANCE.