Once upon a time, there was a young boy by the name of Aaron Kendall. Aaron Kendall was an average boy, nothing special. Oh, he always wanted to believe that he was special, but deep down he knew that, in and of himself, he was not. Aaron soon discovered that the only thing that set him apart in life was God's specific calling on his life, and God's personal will and plan for him. This discovery made Aaron happy, because he had an amazing calling in life: to bring honor and glory to God. This road was not always easy though, and had many hardships, and many rough times. It had its good times too though, and Aaron learned to praise God, no matter what. One day, Aaron decided to pick up his brothers old guitar and to start playing it. Over time, Aaron wrote songs about things that happened to him in life, and how God always saw him through. Aaron soon learned another great lesson: that his music was not for his own enjoyment, but for God's glory. Then, it happened; Aaron finally put two and two together...and came up with four...ok, well not quite. Aaron finally understood that all of the songs he wrote, although written between him and God, could be used to help encourage and help other people to either come to Christ, or to help them in their walk with Him. This also made Aaron happy, as he set out on his new journey to take God's message to a lost and lonely world, and to help encourage other Christians in their walk with God. Aaron does not claim to be anyone special, He just has one purpose in life: to bring honor and glory to God. Aaron knows that he has no power to do this on his own. Aaron can only accomplish this through the power of the Holy Spirit, through the redemption of the sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Aaron knows that he is not perfect, and that he sometimes will mess up. God forgives, however, and helps Aaron to learn from his sins and mistakes, so that he won't do them again. Aaron knows that in order to live through Christ, he must die to his own self. He must follow God above all else. He must both believe and live by all that God has ordained in God's own word: the Bible. With the power of God in his life, Aaron seeks to fulfill the image of God that he was created in, so that God will receive all the glory of His creation, and that when others see what he does, they will glorify the Father. Aaron has decided to follow Jesus. The world behind him, the cross before him...though none go with him...he still will follow; no turning back...no turning back. Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
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