Forget Me Not, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Forget Me Not
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: March 2010

Crossroads Crisis Center owner Benjamin Brandt was a content man—in his faith, his work, and his family. Then in a flash, everything he loved was snatched away. His wife and son were murdered, and grief-stricken Ben lost faith. Determination to find their killers keeps him going, but after three years of dead ends and torment, his hope is dying too. Why had he survived? He’d failed to protect his family.

Now, a mysterious woman appears at Crossroads seeking answers and help—a victim who eerily resembles Ben’s deceased wife, Susan. A woman robbed of her identity, her life, of everything except her faith—and Susan’s necklace.

The connections between the two women mount, exceeding coincidence, and to keep the truth hidden, someone is willing to kill. Finding out who and why turns Ben and the mystery woman’s situation from dangerous to deadly. Their only hope for survival is to work together, trust each other, and face whatever they discover head on, no matter how painful. But will that be enough to save their lives and heal their tattered hearts?

Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
EAN/ISBN: 9781601422057
Publisher: Multnomah Publishers

+ Entry lasted edited by LauraCC on 05.19.10

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The Beach House | Posted May 31, 2010
A woman is running; trying to stay one step ahead of her enemies. Her enemy is the biological terrorist group called “NINA” and they want something from her. She knows what they seek and she intends to keep it. But they’ll do anything to get it and end her life.

Kelly is in New Orleans setting up a center for children. She thought she had lost NINA since traveling to New Orleans but a call from her financial advisor confirms otherwise. They’ve found her and they’re coming.

After talking with her attorney, Kelly focuses on getting back to her hotel and while doing so, she makes her way down a dirty and dark street. Kelly senses that something is wrong when she stops at a red light. She has to keep moving! Suddenly, an object smashes the glass of her windshield. But that’s just the beginning of Kelly’s problems.

A gang approaches Kelly’s car and their intentions are to kill her. But out of the blue, a black car drives around hers and scatters the gang members. Kelly floors the gas pedal on her sports car and stops at another red light. While stopped, something else hits her windshield and passenger seat window. The driver of the black car that had saved her earlier is now after her as well. This time, Kelly won’t escape them…

My Thoughts on Forget Me Not:

When I first started reading Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze, I couldn’t stop flipping the pages. I stayed up late one night and read ten chapters. It was enthralling and it held my interest. This book is action packed and the story is constantly moving. It doesn’t give you a break, though, much like a thriller.

There are some cons that I have about the book. With a few parts in the story, it confused me. I wasn’t sure what had happened and why. It’s sort of like a puzzle; you have to put the pieces together to see the whole picture. Besides it being somewhat confusing, it was also a tad bit depressing. Also, I would like to mention that there’s a lot of killing in this book. Don’t read it if you’re looking for a happy/warm feeling.

Vicki Hinze did a good job on this book, and I’m curious to see what she’ll be writing in the future. Because of this, I’m sure I’ll read more of her books.

Visit Vicki Hinze’s website:

~Grace Thorson

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Seat edger | Posted April 23, 2013
 Author Vicki Hinze’s first work of Christian fiction, Forget Me Not, is a must read. If you like a book to keep you on the edge of your seat, this will surely do it. A woman who looks exactly like main character, Benjamin Brandt’s, diseased wife shows up at their crisis center. In her pocket is Ben’s wife Susan’s necklace and a card bearing her name. This woman has been left for dead and has no memory except that someone had tried to kill her. Nameless and homeless, Ben takes her in trying to figure out who she is and how her case links to the death of his wife. This is a story of mystery, love, and faith. I have never read a book that was better at showing how bad things still happen when you’re a Christian and that faith takes effort. Faith isn’t a one time deal, it is a continuous thing. You’ll find this book to have a shocker or two. I could not ask for more in a story, it had everything in it. I sincerely hope that Vicki Hinze takes to writing more Christian fiction. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for it!

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LauraCC (255)
Rated 3 Stars

Confusing | Posted May 19, 2010
The plot is compelling but I found the details confusing, especially with all the "secret partner" and vague references to bio-terrorism that don't really go anywhere. Not the best.

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