Monster,Be warned this monster's got teeth by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Be warned this monster's got teeth
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: April 2005

Miles away from the hectic city, Reed and Rebecca (Beck), go for a hike into the beautiful Northwestern woods, with plans on meeting their friends Cap and Sing, at the campsite the next day. But something--or someone--begins closing in on them. And it's killing everyone in its path without remorse.

Beck disappears in the middle of the night, and this pleasant hiking trip suddenly turns into a frantic search and rescue effort. But is everyone looking for Beck? And who is the real monster?

Pages: 419
Format: N/A
EAN/ISBN: 1-5955-4032-6 (IE) 0-8499-1180-X (hard cover)
Publisher: WestBow Press

+ Entry lasted edited by  on 06.12.11

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Monster by Frank Peretti | Posted February 07, 2013

Something's out there...

Reed Shelton organized this survival weekend. Hired the best guide in the region. Meticulously trained, studied, and packed while encouraging his wife, Beck, to do the same. But little did they know that surviving the elements would become the least of their worries. During their first night of camping, an unearthly wail pierces the calm of the forest. Then someone--no, something--emerges from the dense woods and begins pursuing them. Everything that follows is a blur to Reed--except for the unforgettable image of a huge creature carrying his wife into the darkness. Dependant on the efforts of a small town and a band of friends, Reed knows they have little time to find Beck. Even more important, he soon realizes that they aren't the only ones doing the hunting. Something much faster, more relentless--and definitely not human--has begun to hunt them.

This has been a very exciting read.

It was so beautiful when Beck was accepted by the Sasquatches. It was almost like she was one of them. They could not understand her, but they protected her from humans like it was nothing big.



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ARNgal (15)
Rated 5 Stars

one of his best | Posted June 17, 2011
 i love everything Frank Peretti has written, but he really hit the nail on the head with this one.

not only does the story suck you in and keep you there until you've read the last page, it's got a deep spiritual message with a LOT of angles.

i was thinking of new aspects of it, in different ways, days after i finished reading it.

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Good Read | Posted November 13, 2009
Frank Peretti is known for his demons and thrillers. This book, while interesting wasn't exactly what I expected. I think that it took a little bit too long to get interesting. All in all a good read with a great ending and unique plot.

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Great Book | Posted July 16, 2009
It was so hard to put it down. So exciting. I would spend hours reading this. So many twists and turns, I was left at the edge of my seat. If you're looking for a great thriller novel, this is a must read.

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He's Back! | Posted June 30, 2009
I love this book.. talk about the gap in evolution. Amazing storyline, Frank is back, like his style which leaves us at the edge of our seats.. like his book "The Oath" and "Piercing the Darkness."

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Awesome Read! | Posted June 24, 2009
This is an awesome book. Would read this again, actually I would buy this book it was soo good. If you haven' read this yet I recommend you do... this book will keep you hooked!

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Wailing in the woods | Posted June 11, 2009
So in the first few chapters I was scared half out of my mind. I had to sleep with the light on and in broad daylight I was shaking. When it started to describe the creatures I was no longer scared. But it has an excellent case against mutations and evolution in general. I really did enjoy the book and the interesting suprises around the corners.

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Monster | Posted May 12, 2009
I loved this book! I couldn't put it down all day. Some things were kind of to the extreme but it was good overall. Sasquatch was an interesting topic and the author did a very good job.

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Awesome book. | Posted October 08, 2008
This book was amazing. I've always believed in Sasquatches to some degree and this made it even more believable. To believe that man could create it is incredibley believable. Man causes much destruction and this shows what can happen when we don't think about others. It also shows what animal instindt can do and how intense it is.

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dirtlane (13)
Rated 3.5 Stars

Great Book but partially expected more | Posted April 09, 2008
Monster was a real good read and enjoyed every single detail of it. However i was slightly disappointed that Frank Peretti didn't include any obvious Good vs. Evil in Monster as apparent in many of his other books. The good and evil aspect that is in alot of his other books was really what pulled me to read it and I expected that in their too. Monster is still a really great book one of my favorites, however I wish Frank Peretti had included something more.

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