House,The only way out is in... by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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The only way out is in...
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: April 2007

A mind-bending supernatural thriller from the creators of This Present Darkness and Showdown.
Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker - two of the most acclaimed writers of supernatural thrillers - have joined forces for the first time to craft a story unlike any you've ever read. Enter House - where you'll find yourself thrown into a killer's deadly game in which the only way to win is to lose...and the only way out is in.

The stakes of the game become clear when a tin can is tossed into the house with rules scrawled on it. Rules that only a madman - or worse - could have written. Rules that make no sense yet must be followed.

One game. Seven players. Three rules. Game ends at dawn.

Pages: 388
Format: N/A
EAN/ISBN: 1-5955-4155-1 (hard cover) 1-5955-4180-2 (IE)
Publisher: WestBow Press

+ Entry lasted edited by ArrowDnarrow on 07.16.09

NRTeam Reviews (35)
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Good read! | Posted February 05, 2014
Frank Peretti's House is a great suspense read. It is about two couples that are trap in an old house. They are fighting to survive and flee a manaic wanting to kill them. The book was slightly better than the movie but the book was kind of hard to follow at times.

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A look into ones soul | Posted April 23, 2013
 I read House for two reasons: One; because it’s a Ted Dekker book; two: I kind of want to see the movie. And let me tell you I am not a fan of anything even slightly related to horror. The preview for the movie almost makes me pee my pants! How could I handle a book?! Yes I can handle suspense, but not horror.

I could not set this book down. It really reaches into the heart and directly reflects the battle between evil and good that happens daily in each human heart. I have never seen nor read anything that so vividly reflects what sin does to the human heart and soul. I am so glad that I have found the Light and that the Light has penetrated the darkness that was once in me.

If you ever want to “dive deep” into the waters of the human soul, anything Dekker is a good read-especially House. The end will leave you longing for change, maybe even teary. I sincerely hope that each and every one of you find the Light that can change the darkness and allow you to find your way out of this House. Another “Dekketti” 

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House review | Posted January 15, 2013

This was such a great book.

It  was a book that got me thinking. I've read books by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker, but this book was something new. It wasn't like Frank Peretti's writings, or Ted Dekkers.

That may sound unusual, but I really liked the ending.

The character that saved the people portrayed such a great message.

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House | Posted April 12, 2011
 I have recommended this book to many people. I do not read books quickly but i read this in a matter of days. It is suspenseful and constantly has you guessing who is good and bad, who to trust and not trust. Peretti and Dekker did an amazing job co authoring this book it does a great job of showing how we all have a choice, to choose to be redeemed or not. 

The movie they came out with is very close to the book, it is a bit harder to understand the redemption aspect but the message and suspense is still the same. I believe it was a wise choice to make the movie rated R. If they didn't it would not have done the book justice and by making it rated R they have been able to reach a different audience that a PG-13 would not be able to reach. 

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House | Posted April 05, 2011
I absolutely loved this book. Once I started it I couldn't put it down!

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pacemaker (319)
Rated 5 Stars

great book | Posted April 02, 2011
 house was one of the first frank peretti books i read. i loved it. kept me on the edge of my seat.

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Excellent Collaboration | Posted October 07, 2010
House, a story from two heavily bestselling authors, stands as an excellent novel, depicting, of course, the battle between good and evil within a house. A couple is stranded driving down a backroads highway after their car breaks down unnaturally. Then they find a makeshift hotel, a sign detailing it as the "Wayside Inn". There they meet another couple and eventually the creepy inhabitants of the household. Soon after a strange dinner, a tin can is launched into the mysterious house by a man the ungracious hosts claim to be the "Tin Man", who they state is a known murderer who "only goes after the guilty." On the can is scrawled three house rules. Once they read them, the stakes become painfully clear.
I was completely enamored with this novel, like any other Dekker book, and I finished it in one night. Initially, I had seen the movie, a work which I did not like much, thus I was taking a chance reading the book itself. But I was imminently rewarded! House is an unforgettable novel of good and evil, a fantasy which displays in vivid color the relationship between the two.

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nice | Posted July 25, 2010
i really want to read this book sometime i getta chance on getting my hands on one. even though i have a lot of books already i just want more to read especially Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti's books. i already own one of each of there books.

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Thrilling | Posted November 14, 2009
This book was so amazing. I could not put it down, because the second I picked began reading I was too into it to put it down. The book gave so many twists and turns, it began to get so intense and it felt like you were there. This book combined my two favorte authors and they did an amazing job together. I would recommend this book to anyone who reads and can't wait for Dekker and Peretti to collaborate again.

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HOUSE | Posted October 19, 2009
The book is awesome...a very chilling twisted story...I highly recommend all you thrill seekers to read the wont be disappointed. Once you pick up the book, i guaranteed you won't want to put it down.

there is also the movie...not to happy about it but its ok to watch

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