The Visitation, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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The Visitation
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: September 2003

A burned-out minister in small town Antioch, Washington, must wrestle with his confusion and cynicism when a self-proclaimed messiah takes over his ministry. The replacement minister looks like Christ. He even heals the sick and performs miracles. Could this messenger of hope and renewal be the real thing?

At first, this small town is abuzz with reports of miracles and religious sightings (a weeping statue of Christ, a disappearing hitchhiker warning of Christ's arrival, a soothing angel). But suddenly there's a twist of evil and demonic mystery in the air. It's up to the jaded minister Travis to track down the real story behind this visitor and somehow find a way to stop him.

Frank Peretti has been a hit sensation in the Christian thriller market but admits that up until now his books have surfed in the shallow waters of pop fiction. In The Visitation, Peretti has worked his craft more carefully--exploring how suffering leads to disillusionment in God as well as deepening his characterization. (The main character is a thinly disguised reflection of Peretti's own bout with doubt.) Fans will be relieved to know that Peretti is still dedicated to suspenseful drama, and there's still plenty of spine-chilling mayhem when all hell literally breaks loose on this small-town cast of characters.

Pages: 560
Format: N/A
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

+ Entry lasted edited by No1NancyDrewFan on 03.07.08

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Such a Stimulating Read! | Posted April 14, 2009
While jogging alone in the country, a woman named Sally Fordyce prays to God for a miracle. She unexpectedly comes upon a mysterious stranger leaning against a tree. The stranger somehow knows her name and tells her that he has brought a message. He tells her that her prayers have been heard, and that her answer is coming. Then, without warning, he disappears into thin air!

Arnold Kowalski is at a Catholic church cleaning when he looks up at the crucifix and asks to be healed. He turns away just for a second, then he is drawn back to gaze at the crucifix that is hanging on the wall. Suddenly, a tear falls down from the eyes of the crucifix onto its wooden cheeks. Arnold is shocked but has to get closer to investigate, so he grabs a ladder and climbs right up to it. He reaches his hand out to gently touch the tears and feels a slight tingling in his hand. He looks down at his hands and realizes that his pain of arthritis has been healed completely!

These are just a few of the strange sightings and miracles that are appearing in the small town of Antioch, Washington. Many people are excited and intrigued, but some find it odd and very strange…

This book was very stimulating, and I had such a hard time putting it down. It was really thought – provoking, and not many books do that for me. Frank Peretti is such a good writer, and I enjoy his books…especially this one!

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Couldn't Put it Down! | Posted December 20, 2009
This book, was amazing, as is every other book that i've read by frank peretti. In a small town a burned-out pastor is among the few that can rise up and defeat a man that has come in and claimed that he was Jesus. The ending is amazing, and i was excited as to what would happen next throughout the entire book. Definitely would recommend this to anyone who can read. =)

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An awesome read | Posted May 14, 2008
I just finished this book and loved it. I thought with it being so big I would never finish it but once I started I couldn't put it down! I like how the different characters showed different places with God.

I also watched the was okay...just not true to the book!

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<3 | Posted March 30, 2008
i really loved this book! it was intruging and.. basically, AMAZAZAZAZAZINGGGG!!!!!

basically also like,

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