Illusion, by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: March 2012

Dane and Mandy, a popular magic act for forty years, are tragically separated by a car wreck that claims Mandy’s life—or so everyone thinks. Even as Dane mourns and tries to rebuild his life without her, Mandy, supposedly dead, awakes in the present as the nineteen-year-old she was in 1970. Distraught and disoriented in what to her is the future, she is confined to a mental ward until she discovers a magical ability to pass invisibly through time and space to escape. Alone in a strange world, she uses her mysterious powers to eke out a living, performing magic on the streets and in a quaint coffee shop.

Hoping to discover an exciting new talent, Dane ventures into the coffee shop and is transfixed by the magic he sees, illusions that even he, a seasoned professional, cannot explain. But more than anything, he is emotionally devastated by this teenager who has never met him, doesn’t know him, is certainly not in love with him, but is in every respect identical to the young beauty he first met and married some forty years earlier.

They begin a furtive relationship as mentor and protégée, but even as Dane tries to sort out who she really is and she tries to understand why she is drawn to him, they are watched by secretive interests who not only possess the answers to Mandy’s powers and misplacement in time but also the roguish ability to decide what will become of her.

Frank Peretti has crafted a rich, rewarding story of love and life, loss and restoration, full of twists and mystery. Exceptionally well written, Illusion will soon prove another Peretti classic.

Pages: 512
Format: Hardcover
EAN/ISBN: 1439192677
Publisher: Howard Books

+ Entry lasted edited by NRTeamAdmin on 02.09.12

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Romance with a Twist | Posted March 27, 2014
I cut my teeth on Christian fiction by Frank Peretti, so I was happy for the chance to review his latest. He didn't disappoint. I was more than halfway through the book before I figured out what was going on, and only then because the author spelled it out for me. Was this all one big magician's stunt? An alien experiment? Perhaps a nightmare? Something that could be explained? 

It's not often that I am totally in the dark, but this story remained a mystery for a long time. When the characters and I finally figured out what was going on, the situation got tense as they tried to figure out how to ensure a happy ending. 

By the way, I didn't include ALL of the publisher's teaser above, nor did I read any of the summaries before reading the book.  I'd recommend that you do the same, because they're all jumping ahead and answering the big question that makes this book so intriguing.  That, or I am the only person on the planet who didn't "get" how this was possible from the get-go.

I thought I'd wear a hole in the protective cover of my e-reader from how quickly I was flipping the pages. There just wasn't a good spot to take a breath, put the book down for the night, and come back to it. Peretti really drew me into this one. I couldn't tell the bad guys from good ones, and I had no clue how this would end until the last. 

The suspense in this book should appeal to those readers who like an edgy twist, while the power of a life-long love should satisfy the romantics among us. Thanks, Mr. Peretti!

I received this book free from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.

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Love Transends All Things | Posted March 16, 2012
Illusion is a great book filled with suspense, unanswered questions, magic, and love. As the story progresses, you will see their  paths begin to criss-cross as mysteries begin to appear and questions begin to be asked. Frank Peretti has done an excellent job of leaving you at the end of each chapter, desiring to know what happens next. Peretti's skill of giving the audience just enough to keep them wanting more is classic, and just as suspensful, if not more so, than rest of his great books!

The parable of love and how true love, God's love, transends everything, even time, is a great reminder to all who have fallen in love with the person of Chirst Jesus. The story holds twists and turns, but in the end... well I guess that's for the reader to find out!

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