All proceeds from song will benefit cyclone recovery in India and Kolkata
Posted: May 26, 2020, 5:00 PM | Category:New Releases Artist Tags: Zachary Ray Source: Staff Report JH
On the heels of his single "Let Go" and it's accompanying video, Zachary Ray has released another new song entitled "Eyes On You." In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Eastern India and Kolkata were hit with a once in a century cylcone that wreaked destruction in a neighborhood where Zachary had once lived.
Zachary's family still lives in the region, and he wanted to do something to help his community. He shared with NRT via email that he had written "Eyes On You" while living in the region, and that he wanted to get the word out that all of the proceeds from the song to go towards cyclone relief. He's currently in talks with orginzations on the ground for how to best distrubute aid!
Stay tuned to Zachary Ray's Facebook page for the most up to date information, and listen to the new sinlge "Eyes On You" below.