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With the global COVID-19 pandemic changing plans for millions of church-goers this Easter, NewReleaseToday is honored to be hosting a special gathering of Christian artists delivering encouragement, music and community to those at home this Easter.

Scheduled to appear (in alphabetical order) are: Andrew Peterson, Apollo LTD, Blanca, Caitie Hurst, Corey Voss, Elevation Worship, I AM THEY, Jason Crabb, Jason Gray, Jillian Edwards, Kutless, Leanna Crawford, Lincoln Brewster, Melanie Penn, Michael W. Smith, North Point Worship, Rhett Walker, Seventh Day Slumber, Sidewalk Prophets, Stars Go Dim, Unspoken and more!

We are in an unprecedented time and while we can't celebrate Easter with our church families this year, there are still ways to gather with friends from all over the world and share Biblical truth, encourage one another, and be ministered to by these talented artists and songs full of hope and promise. I'm looking forward to sharing Easter with my extended brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the world this Easter Sunday.

We will be streaming Gather 2020 for FREE on Facebook and YouTube on Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 4PM EST/3PM CST/2PM MST/1PM PST.

I hope to "see" you there!

Kevin McNeese
NewReleaseToday Founder

Gather 2020

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