Showbread To get the full experience, take the band's advice and read the story along with listening to the album. It's not the same w/o the story, however, the album is great either way. If your not use to the...
Showbread Yes both Anorexia and Nervosa are amazing albums, that aren't complete w/o the stories, or w/o each other. I have to hand to Showbread for the creativity to take on a project in this manner, and then hand...
Winter | Posted February-16-2008
At least as good as the first! In Love is an amazing song one of the more powerful songs on the record and reflects the song Equally Skilled in the awesomeness of the message. Spring is on it's way!
Fall E.P. | Posted February-16-2008
Absolutely amazing! A rather surprising twist from the sounds of Switchfoot, and a great way to start off the set of four E.P.s Jon is putting out, both musically and lyrically, look forward to the others!