Okay but not great Dekker
Posted April 08, 2010
By beaverlions,
The Bride Collector, the seecond book for Dekker from a secular publisher, is another thriller. With thrillers from Dekker including Three and Boneman's Daughters. Bride Collector comes off as trying to hard. Dekker creates a murderer that is very generic and has been seen before.
FBI Agent Brad Raines almost seems like the same agent as one in his previous books Adam. With each Dekker book before this I found new and exciting characters but with this book having it's two main characters very similar to previous characters.
In conclusion Dekker has an okay book. One that some fans will enjoy but I would like to see new everything in the next thrillers from Dekker. View All Music And Book Reviews By beaverlions | View beaverlions's Profile