What a fantstic group of people and there first full length cd hits big. There are a few songs carried over from there first cd but rightfully so they were good. Every song on the cd is good and you will play it over and over again. I personaly think I like the song More to this it kinda has a nice ballad sound and a great message. The song wounded will catch your ears as very cool as well. One thing in the becoming process is letting Jesus take all the junk away. For if we are trying to do better we are not letting Jesus do what He wants to do. We are never good enough never gonna be good enough and can never make up for His love. For He loved us before we ever even thought upon Him. How could you ever make up for that kinda love? The song invisable is cool as well letting everyone know His love is higher than our love and His ways are higher than our ways. Great album and say what are you waitting for get your coppy.