Hillsong/nothing new
Posted July 21, 2010
By beaverlions,
Hillsong spews out about twelve to fifteen songs a year. And with every CD they get worse. The audience they do have is one that may stay with them but they won't have any new fans.
There is no lyrical depth, no musical talent only people who write songs to worship God. Now if we were judge them for their worshipping God they would be very high. But Hillsong chooses to put out albums up every year so that opens them up to scrunity over whether you should buy it or wait for your local church to play it. Wait for the church.
If you want some specific songs from them check out: Break Free, One Way, Freedom is Here. But they just are not worth listening to in this new age. The rock is 80s and the lyrics don't reflect anything new except the old songs. View All Music And Book Reviews By beaverlions | View beaverlions's Profile