nuthin but the best
Posted October 02, 2010
By L7,
Lecrae is back with his fourth studio album REHAB. The common theme thru out the cd is our need for constant rehabilition from sin, our flesh and from the ways of this world. It starts off with a bass pounding track titled "Check In". Lecrae laments as he reflects on addiction to sin, "It goes on and on and on/ now im used to it/ its my lifestyle now and i dont know what else to do" The second track "Killa" shows how seductive sin is, the reason we can get hooked in the first place. It shows how we get enticed to thinking the sin isnt harmful and that its everything we could want. On the outside "she is beautiful" but "her exterior is black".
The best song in my opinion, is "Just like You". This song by itself was worth buying the whole cd. Crae talks about how he grew up without a dad and how he clung on to any male figure that showed him love, even if they gang banged. Then he shows how pop culture became his teacher. Then finally the only Father that ever matters, God. This song is perfect for men of all ages especially since we are created to be leaders.
"Used to do it too" is another banger. It features HGA member and new 116 alum, KB. As always the message is on point but KB's flow wasnt what i was expecting seeing how HGA is one of those fast rapping groups. I was expecting something like what PRo did on "New Shalom" which is probably my second favorite song on the cd. Its has that Memphis style bounce with the snapping snares and the echoing 808's. Its followed by another favorite "40 Deep" featuring Trip and Tedashii. All i can say about this song is HOT FIRE.
The album is in no way bad, but i must say that i was hoping for more upbeat songs. It might also be that i'm the type of person who skips over the already released singles. Im just happy Reach didnt have any of the best songs come out as singles. Support Reach Records. They are truly GOSPEL hip hop, not just Christian hip hop for the sake of hip hop. The music is truly anointed. It goes deeper than the surface to show man's depravity and the need for the Redeemer. View All Music And Book Reviews By L7 | View L7's Profile