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Hope In Daily Life and Hard Times
Posted May 21, 2024
By JasminPatterson_NRT, Staff Reviewer

What You Need to Know
Contemporary Pop/Rock band We Are Messengers is back with their fourth studio album, Where The Joy Is. The group released "God Be The Glory" as the lead single ahead of the full album release, and the collection is filled out by nine other songs, all with the theme of joy, hope, and the gospel. The energetic album features guest vocals from fellow Christian artists Blanca on "My Hope Is You" and Ben Fuller on "I Found Rest."

What It Sounds Like
I was hooked on this album from the first notes. No surprise there. We Are Messengers delivers every time. It's fitting that this album is called Where The Joy Is because the music is high-energy and joyful right from the first song and stays that way through the whole album. "How Great You Are" even gives off a bit of Coldplay vibes in my opinion which, as a fan of both theirs and We Are Messengers, I was excited to hear that whimsical, youthful sound also represented in a Christian song. Even the midtempo and ballad songs have a life to them that keeps you engaged through every word and every note.

The chord progressions have a lot of movement, which I personally love because I feel like it adds momentum to a song. So, it was fun to hear the band make that musical choice. It's a perfect compliment to lyrics that are equally joyful and hope-filled, making the project one cohesive theme lyrically and sonically. 

Spiritual/Lyrical Highlights
In every song you'll hear themes of the goodness of God, the good news of the gospel, joy, hope, and gratitude. My favorite lyric on the album is in "Where The Joy Is:" "Worry can't steal from a heart this grateful." What a powerful reminder and a fresh, beautiful way to capture the truth in a popular Bible passage we quote all the time. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV)

Best Song On The Record
I'm picking two for best song. "A Thousand Times" is a personal favorite of mine. It's such a fun song, and I love the message of remembering how God has come through for you in the past and knowing that He will come through in the present too. 

But "Worthy Of Being Loved" is such a significant and special song that it cannot be overlooked. We Are Messengers has been open in conversations and in their songs on previous albums ("Maybe It's OK") about encouraging and supporting people in their mental health. In "Worthy Of Being Loved," lead vocalist Darren Mulligan sings to a person who might be struggling with hopelessness and maybe even thoughts of ending their life. The words encourage the listener that they are worthy of love and if they were no longer here, they would be missed. There's no question God will use this song to change lives, and even save lives.

For Fans Of
Ben Fuller, Cochren & Co., Micah Tyler, Unspoken

Final Word
If you need hope to fill your heart, look no further than Where The Joy Is. We all need some hope in daily life, and especially in hard times. And we need to be reminded that hope is found only in Jesus and His good news. Where The Joy Is will make you dance a little bit while the truth gets into your heart.

Buy the album on Apple Music or stream it on Spotify

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