Francesca Batttistelli [My Paper Heart]
Posted October 07, 2008
By christianmusicreview,
Sounds like: Natasha Bedingfield and Kelly Clarkson with a hint of a country twang in a few of the songs.
Francesca Battistelli, a new artist to the Christian scene, is about to release her first album, “My Paper Heart.” The title really fits the CD; her music shares much of who she is with her audience, connecting with listeners in an intimate way.
Since Francesca is a new artist, let’s take a moment to get to know her and where she comes from. According to a press release, Francesca’s musical talent started at a young age, and came naturally as both her parents were active in music and the arts. Her mother and father were both involved in Broadway. At 15, she joined an all-girl pop group, honing her musical and dance talent. She discovered her passion for Christian music when she was involved in her youth ministry at church, and quickly dedicated her gifts to God.
“My Paper Heart” starts out with a song called “Free to be me.” It’s about the twists and turns in life, and how God can see what’s coming and has plans for our future. “At twenty years of age I'm still looking for a dream / A war's already waged for my destiny / But You've already won the battle / And You've got great plans for me…” The second track, “I’m letting go,” is similar in its theme, about God being in control of our destinies, letting go and not being afraid. When we give up our lives for God, we will truly experience freedom.
The title track, “My Paper Heart,” has kind of a pop jazz sound, and starts out with a good illustration for how fragile our hearts are. “Well I’ve been treated like a valentine / That’s been ripped apart and left behind…/ My paper heart is Yours now / I have landed in Your hands / Come so far to find out / My life will never be the same / Since you wrote your name / On my paper heart.” Francesca is really speaking scripture in this song. Proverbs 3:3 says, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Our hearts are tables, blank pieces of paper for God to write on with His love.
“Forever Love” is a beautiful worship song that could be sung during any church worship service. It is about God knowing and loving us, and loving Him in return from the depths of our hearts. He is our forever love, unchanging and always forgiving. The next track, “Someday Soon,” will most certainly be played at my wedding. The entire song is a ballad written to the husband she is waiting for, and the great love and life she can not wait to share with him. “I wanna be the one who does everything with you / Watching stars, washing cars, taking walks, going to the store / I wanna be the one who gets to change her last name someday… And I can’t imagine anything, anything better than /
Someday falling in love with you / Holding your hand / Making our plans all come true…”
“It’s your life” is about making wise decisions, and doing what you know is right even though the world is watching. The song says that your life may be the one thing that moves another person closer or further from God. So don’t forget that “It’s your life / The world is watching you / Every day the choices you make / Say what you are and who / Your heart beats for…” We are called to be living witnesses for Christ, and this song is a reminder of that calling. The last song, “Time in Between,” is a picture of Christ’s life and death put to music. Jesus was there in the beginning of time, spend nine months in his mother’s womb, then three days dead in a tomb before rising again. However, out of all that, the part that makes the biggest difference in our lives is “The time in between / That brings me to my knees / Knowing you came for me… / Don't take much for this crazy world / To rob me of my peace… / So I stand here lifting empty hands / For you to fill me up again.”
In a press release, Battistelli said, “Ultimately, I want to be an encouragement as an artist and a fellow believer. The Lord has continually called me to do things that are outside my comfort zone, whether it was accompanying myself on guitar for the first time in front of seasoned players or packing up and moving to Nashville last year knowing hardly anybody. Still, He's never left me, and He constantly shows me that it's worth it. I have parents who pray and encourage me to be bold and to take bold steps for Christ. I don’t think that’s common enough in the Christian culture. We have these big dreams, but many aren’t willing to take the steps to go after them. Yet this is the moment. We’re not promised tomorrow. So today’s the day.”
Welcome to the Christian music scene, Francesca!
You can catch Francesca’s blog on her website: She updates it often, which further serves to connect her with her audience. Over-all, Francesca is a great new artist, and I’m expecting to see some creative work from her in the future.
Rating: 9.3 out of 10 (93%, A-)
Review written by: Liz Zelinski | Review can also be found here.
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