Declare the things that are going to come afterwards, that we may know that you are gods: indeed, do good or evil, that we may be anxiously look about us and fear together. Behold, you are of no account and your work amounts to nothing; he that chooses you is an abomination. The pillars come down.
The roots deep of this wicked tree,
They're reaching out, seeking to change me,
Struggle enough not live for my self, I've gotta lift up God for he is deserving so well,
All this humanity, and the power it claims, has turned from God to pursue its own way, to do what God does through its own strength,
I see a storm coming, chaos this way.
The lies, distorted truths,
So many lies surround you.
You look to yourselves to bring you deliverance from Hell,
Lift yourselves into the grace of God, convince yourselves that you can't be stopped,
Stop yourselves.
Environmental, racial conscience so high,
Your claims are nothing when the fire has died,
Starting off with that strong P.M.A., your education's only partial and then you fade,
To make a change you gotta lay down your pride,
Only God can make those changes inside,
Pride's a fire that burns with no name,
Careful now that you are not the moths drawn to its flame.
The lies, distorted truths,
So many lies surround you.
You look to yourselves to bring you deliverance from Hell,
Lift yourselves into the place of God, convince yourselves that you can't be stopped,
You'll stop yourselves.