Violence and terror: a world that's filled with hate,
And nuclear warfare - that will not annihilate you,
Destruction of the flesh leaves the spirit to live on,
There will be no escaping; time is almost gone.
The tribulation will come to Earth,
You are being forewarned: you must have the new birth.
Now conversion from sin to righteousness,
As many as received him - this is what it says,
And regeneration: Philippians 1:6,
Just give your life to Jesus, or you'll die in your sin.
I know some have told you that this is just a game, that this life goes on forever,
Who will you have to blame at the judgement, the end of your fame?
1, 2.
We love to serve God - as you see, we're not wimps,
Don't let idiots lie to you: Christianity is not less,
The power that's outside me: a lie that's very old.
Come and join the warriors, serve God, and be bold.
It's almost over: the time to repent,
Death one could be any day now, the second won't be death.