Strike three
Bottom of the ninth
And you were batting back the tears
Feeling like you let the whole world down, down, down
And you and me driving home in silence
I was searching through my words
Trying to find the perfect ones to say out loud
Well I don't remember what it was I said to you
But I remember what it was I wanted you to hear
Proud, I'm just so proud
I don't know how to say it any better
Proud, you made me proud
Win or lose, well it really doesn't matter
'Cause you step up to the plate swinging for the fence
And you're going to change the world around you I'm convinced
Just look how you're changing me
We both know that sometimes you make me crazy
We both know that sometimes we both let each other down
But I want you to know
Whatever you do just because you are you
You'll always be making me proud