I can’t sleep up here in New York
Hot haunted a-nd al-one
My ghosts and fears drop their bombs
And laugh as they expl-ode
And I walk along the Hudson
Wishing i-t could take me th-ere
To the land of our fath-ers
Where the sun rises forev-er
And we rest in its splend-or
When this Traveler comes home
We’ve learned so much to find out
Just how we f-all
We knew that we’d always run
Now it’s killing us to cr-awl
But the truth it just keeps pouring
That shed blood into our v-eins
Going h-ome
(W-e w-on’t f-eel any p-ain)
To the land of our fath-ers
Where the sun rises forev-er
(W-e w-on’t f-ear any sh-ame)
And we rest in its splendor
Comin’ h-ome
(W-e w-on’t f-eel any p-ain)
To the land of our Fath-er
The Son rising forev-er
(W-e w-on’t f-ear any sh-ame)
And our questions have answ-ers
When the Traveler comes home
(W-e w-on’t f-eel any p-ain)
To the land of our fath-ers
Where the sun rises forev-er
(W-e w-on’t f-ear any sh-ame)
And we rest in its splendor
Comin’ h-ome
(W-e w-on’t f-eel any p-ain)
To the land of our Fath-er
The Son rising forev-er
(W-e w-on’t f-ear any sh-ame)
And our questions have answ-ers
When the Traveler comes home
(W-e w-on’t f-eel any p-ain)
(W-e w-on’t f-ear any sh-ame)