As we move through the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation we see the antichrist and the false prophet as they make their scene upon the Earth and they deceive the people on the Wrath and they cause everyone to receive that mark which will seal a person’s doom. God will not destroy am man without first of all warning him and giving him a chance. In the 14th chapter we find that there are Angeles flying through the midst of Heaven. Once declaring the everlasting gospel. Then the others declaring Judgment that will come upon man who dares to take the Mark of the Beast
And I stood upon the sand of the sea an I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and seven horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of Blasphemy. And I saw one of the heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wonders after the Beast. And all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Here is wisdom. Let he that hath understanding count the number of the Beast; for it is the number of man and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six.
A man will rise to rule the world, who will cause all both small and great, rich and poor free and bond to receive the mark. Those who receive this mark shall drink the wine of God’s Wrath. They will have no rest day or night
He's Gonna Do A Number On You
The morning paper is not the same
A man is smiling, do you know his name?
He's shaking hands with the president
It almost seems as though he's heaven sent
(Frenzied crowd)
I'm mad about... I'm mad about you
He's gonna' do a number on you (a very strange tatoo!)
He's gonna' do a number on you (a very strange tatoo!)
Something inside tells you to hide
You cannot decide what to do
(Person in crowd Full of wonder)
Oh, no! What's wrong? Something's on his face!
I know it's crazy, but now there's not a trace!
I'm mad about... I'm mad about you
He's gonna' do a number on you (a very strange tatoo!)
He's gonna' do a number on you (a very strange tatoo!)
Something inside tells you to hide
You cannot decide what to do
(Goon squad)
Gonna' do a number on you
He's gonna' do a number on you (a very strange tatoo!)
(Goon squad)
Gonna' do a number on you
Something inside tells you to hide
You cannot decide what to do, cannot decide what to
Think of this guy, is there a pie in the sky?
I'd hate to imply that I knew
(Zombie like crowd)
He's got a friend, it seems there is no end
To the tricks that he'll do, always on cue
Standing in line, it's so divine
Can we choose the place, my hand or my face?