Posted: January 25, 2020, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: The Persuaded Source: Staff Report RA
The Persuaded needs fan's financial support!
The Nashville-based and Rockfest Record's metal artist, The Persuaded, shared their financial needs on social media to their fans. The 2019 year was rough for them and they desire nothing more to continue to spread the Gospel through their music ministry, but they need support.
"2019 came with a lot of highs and victories. But on the same token, it came with a lot of lows and a lot of defeats...We lost multiple tour vehicles in the process of that. We've been trying to financially catch back up ever since, but have not been able to find our footing again. We know you guys are so supportive and so faithful and when hard times hit, and we needed your help, you all gave above and beyond what we needed. And for that we are forever grateful... We have worked so hard for everything we have, and we absolutely hate asking for money... We have a goal of $10,000. It's a big number and we don't know if we'll be able to hit anywhere close to it. But anything we can get will go an extremely long way and will help us more than you know." -Josh, Stephen, & Joe
Their Facebook bio sums their vision up well - "The burdened, the weary, the brokenhearted, the hurting, the suicidal, the anxious, the depressed. Come find your rest. We are here for you. We love you. Find your peace in Jesus."