Just Heavenly Sounding! Posted September 03, 2008 By loudor,
I went to the East Coast Worship Summit last June and I met Laura Story there. I didn't know her before, except that I had received 2 free downloads from her songs: Grace and Bless the Lord. I was looking forward to meet her as it is always nice to get to know the "artists" behind the songs. Once again, I was not disappointed.
I was really blessed by her ministry, attending one of her workshop there, and also when I was led by her in worship. As I am French speaking, I might not use the right way to say things, but if I may use that expression: the songs in her album: Great God Who Saves have the ring of truth! She believes what she says and she says what she believes. She lives what she says and she says what she lives!!! In one word, she is a truthful person.
And by the way, I discovered the famous song: Indescribable while in PA at the E.C.W.S. last June during her Worship session, and it is only when I was back home that I realized that Chris Tomlin had it on one of his CD, and had made it popular a while ago... there I was telling everyone about that super song and they were telling me: I think I know it, I heard it somewhere?!?!... and they all thought that it was Chris Tomlin that wrote it!! So, I want everyone to know that it is Laura Story that wrote it, but yes, Chris Tomlin made it know around the world... if I'm not mistaken.
If I may add, in my own tastes, I think that her voice, when singing, is just heavinly Sounding!!!It is worth taking the time to get to know her. She went through a terrible ordeal while she was writing the songs and it shows when you listen to them. The message is very profound. Here is the Laura Story Might to Save video of her testimony that I copied from YouTube... worth listening!! VERY GOOD!! There is another one on YouTube Laura Story Passion & Purpose Video which is more to present her ministry, which is also very good.